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Perception Psionic Path
(Open To All Professions)

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Ability Description: The psionic is able to improve their ability to see in dark conditions by using this power.

Ability Description: This ability will boost the agility of the psionic by providing them a quick glimpse of the future at crucial moments.

See Invisible
Ability Description: This ability allows the psionic to see invisible persons and creatures.

Prerequisite Abilities: See Invisible
Ability Description: The psionic is able to reveal invisible creatures or persons.

[Not Yet Implemented]
Ability Description: This ability induces fear or apprehension in a single target.

[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Fear
Ability Description: This ability induces terrible nightmares in a single target.

[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Nightmares
Ability Description: This ability induces fear or apprehension in a mass of targets.

[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Fearscape
Ability Description: This ability induces terrible nightmares in a mass of targets.

Alluring Aura
Ability Description: This ability will bestow increased charisma upon the psionic.

[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Precognition, Revelation
Ability Description: This ability will bestow increased agility and coordination upon the psionic.

[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Decoys
Ability Description: This ability will bestow increased agility and coordination upon the psionic and his or her group.

[Not Yet Implemented]
Ability Description: This ability will bestow increased hiding and prowling ability as well as placing the psionic in a hidden state.

[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Conceal
Ability Description: The psionic can fill an area with deep shadows, concealing the psionic and his or her group.

Attune Eyesight
Ability Description: This ability will bestow increased perception upon the psionic.

Field of Vision
[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Attune Eyesight
Ability Description: This ability will bestow increased perception upon the psionic and his or her group.

Photographic Memory
Occult Lore Skill: 15
Ability Description: The psionic is able to remember specific locations in perfect detail.

[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Attune Eyesight, Photographic Memory
Ability Description: The psionic is able to see a quick vision of an area he or she has previously committed to memory.

Rising Mists
Ability Description: This ability allows the psionic to draw forth mists that obscure vision, decreasing perception and improving the defensive ability of all combatants in the area, friend or foe.

Psychic Psionic Path
(Open To All Professions)

Ability Description: The psionic is able to communicate with other psionics mentally.

Mental Link
Prerequisite Abilities: Telepathy
Ability Description: The psionic is able to communicate with non-psionics mentally. This ability does not enable to non-psionics to send thoughts, only receive them.

Mental Bond
[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Mental Link
Ability Description: The psionic is able to grant telepathic ability to non-psionics for a period of time.

Battle of Wills
[Not Yet Implemented]
Ability Description: The psionic locks the target in a battle of wills, which results in nerve damage over time to the loser of the battle.

Psychic Shear
[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Battle of Wills
Ability Description: The psionic is able to cause instant nerve damage to the target.

Object Reading
Prerequisite Abilities: Mental Link
Ability Description: The psionic is able to sense the history or other hidden aspects of objects.

Sense Alignment
Ability Description: The psionic is able to sense a person's alignment.

Mask Alignment
[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Sense Alignment
Ability Description: The psionic is able to mask his or her alignment from others.

Mental Block
[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Battle of Wills
Ability Description: The psionic is able to protect themself from psionic attacks.

Mind Control
[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Psychic Shear
Ability Description: The target affected by this ability will suffer lowered intellect, mentality, and charisma.

Ability Description: The psionic will recover psychic power more quickly while using this ability.

Sense Magic
[Not Yet Implemented]
Ability Description: The psionic is able to sense magic properties in objects.

Detect Psionics
[Not Yet Implemented]
Ability Description: The psionic is able to determine if someone or something has psionic power.

[Not Yet Implemented]
Ability Description: The psionic is able to divert a target, making them less likely to be harmed or attacked.

Spirit Ward
[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Batle of Wills, Detect Psionics
Ability Description: The psionic is able to ward away spirit entities.

Mind Wipe
Ability Description: The affected target will be more susceptible to mental attacks.

Mass Mental Block
[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Mental Block
Ability Description: By use of this ability, the psionic and his or her group will be protected from psionic attacks.

Sense Traps
[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Object Reading
Ability Description: The psionic is able to sense traps on an object.

Psychic Sight
Prerequisite Abilities: Object Reading
Ability Description: The psionic is able to discern a person's location from far distances.

Prerequisite Abilities: Mind Wipe
Occult Lore Skill: 40
Ability Description: The psionic's intellect, mentality, and charisma are temporarily improved.

Materialization Psionic Path
(Psionic Profession Only)

Spontaneous Combustion
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Ability Description: The target of this ability will be set ablaze and suffer heat damage over time.l.

Spirit Slash
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Ability Description: Scythes of psychic power will materialize and slash at the target several times.

Psychic Hammer
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Ability Description: Hammers of psychic power will materialize and pummel the target several times.

Piercing Stare
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Ability Description: Skewers of psychic power will materialize and pierce through the target several times.

Disarm Traps
[Not Yet Implemented]
Ability Description: This telekinetic power is able to disarm many types of traps on various objects.

Ability Description: This telekinetic power is able to unlock most locks on various objects.

Rime Cloud
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Ability Description: This ability materializes a cloud of freezing air around the target that will remain for a time.

Telekinetic Leap
Ability Description: This telekinetic power assists the psionic in climbing or leaping.

Telekinetic Strike
Ability Description: This ability will hurl a number of nearby objects at the target with great force.

Telekinetic Swarm
Prerequisite Abilities: Telekinetic Strike
Ability Description: This ability will hurl a number of nearby objects at a number of targets with great force.

Ability Description: This ability assists the psionic in locating and affecting water. The target of this power cannot drown and is always dry when the power is in effect.

Mental Shield
[Not Yet Implemented]
Ability Description: This ability materializes a psychic shield that will protect the psionic from physical and elemental attacks.

Psi Wall
[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Psi Shield
Ability Description: This ability materializes a psychic shield that will protect the psionic and his or her group from physical and elemental attacks.

Ability Description: This ability allows the psionic to cause temporary blindness in a target. The eyes are not physically damaged, however.

Prerequisite Abilities: Blindness
Ability Description: This ability allows the psionic to temporarily paralyze a target. The target is not physically injured.

Gust of Force
Ability Description: This ability allows the user to strike a target with a sudden gust of wind which can knock down and possibly stun them.

Prerequisite Abilities: Telekinetic Leap
Ability Description: This ability will cause the psionic to levitate a small distance above the surface below them for a time.

Mass Levitation
Prerequisite Abilities: Levitation
Ability Description: This ability will cause the psionic and his or her group to levitate a small distance above the surface below them for a time.

Cure Poison
[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Blindness, Paralysis
Ability Description: This ability will lessen the potency of poisons and in some cases negate them completely.

Instant Recall
Prerequisite Abilities: Levitation, Photographic Memory
Occult Lore Skill: 90
Ability Description: The psionic is able to teleport to any location they have memorize via the Photographic Memory ability.

Ripple of Force
Ability Description: This ability will summon forth great gusts that will strike multiple targets, knocking them back and causing minor injury with a chance of causing a brief stun as well.

Ability Description: This powerful attack will send one's foes reeling from the power of a mighty wave of force.

Ability Description: The target of this ability will be set ablaze and suffer heavy heat damage over time.

Spirit Cleave
Ability Description: Blades of psychic power will materialize and cut through the target several times.

Ethereal Lance
Ability Description: Lances of psychic power will materialize and run through the target several times.

Drawing Psionic Path
(Psionic Profession Only)

Illumination [Learn] [Page]
Ability Description: The psionic is able to draw forth spirits to illuminate the area.

[Not Yet Implemented]
Ability Description: The psionic is able to draw forth spirits to that will distract a mass of targets.

[Not Yet Implemented]
Ability Description: The psionic is able to draw forth spirits that will cause fear in a mass of targets.

[Learn] [Page]
Ability Description: The psionic is able to draw forth spirits that will cleanse the area of impure objects.

Lesser Spirit Servant
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Occult Lore Skill: 50
Ability Description: The psionic is able to draw forth a spirit that will carry objects.

Spirit Guide
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Prerequisite Abilities: Spirit Servant
Occult Lore Skill: 60
Ability Description: The psionic is able to draw forth a spirit that will guide the psionic, improving their perception.

Greater Spirit Servant
Occult Lore Skill: 75
Ability Description: The psionic is able to draw forth a spirit that will carry a great burden.

Lesser Scavenge
Ability Description: This ability allows a psionic to channel a spirit to inhabit the body of a weak fallen creature to use as a mindless protector.

Spirit Guardian
[Not Yet Implemented]
Prerequisite Abilities: Scavenge
Occult Lore Skill: 150
Ability Description: The psionic is able to draw forth a spirit that will protect the psionic.

Greater Scavenge
Ability Description: This ability allows a psionic to channel a spirit to inhabit the body of a fallen creature to use as a mindless protector.

Call To The Dead
[Learn] [Page]
Occult Lore Skill: 60
Ability Description: By means of this ability, the psionic may draw forth the corpse of a fallen comrade, or relocate graves of the dead.

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