Guide to the Haelrahvian Seasons

Obtained through OBSERVE[ing] the sky and compiling board/news/festival information.


Haelrahv has 18 hour days.
Haelrahv has 122 days in each season.
Haelrahv has 8 seasons in each year.

Conversion of time (hours) results in 4 Haelrahv seasons being approximately equivalent to 1 Earth year. See Trevor Rage's example below:

18 hours per day x 122 days per season x 4 seasons = 8784 hours
24 hours per day x 365 days per year = 8760 hours

Not -exactly- 1 Earth to 1 Haelrahvian, but 1.002 : 1.000 is pretty close

So, if 1 HR year is essentially 2 Earth years, then someone 20 HR years (ages) old is 40 Earth years old. But, since we use seasons, not years, and since there's 4 seasons per Earth year, it's x4. So, yes, it is Earth years * 4 = HR age (in seasons).



Ebaca is the first season of an age and is a rainy time. The weather is typically more humid but cooler as well. The season of Ebaca was named by the Eolai people.

1st - New Year’s Day (Human) – celebrates good wishes for the new year.

42nd - De Gzukkhe (Darju) - celebration of arrival on Haelrahv (Gzukkhe means escape) and also remembrance of those left behind on Vkeftku.

41st through 49th day - Xashea (Alteri) - literally “Artist Day” this festival is a celebration of beauty and art. The main celebration is held in Seihao Xa where people from all over bring their artwork, songs, dances, etc to share their beauty.


Icorae is the second season of an age, named by the Eolai people. The weather during this time is typically much less humid and mild, but beginning to warm. Icorae is typically the season during which planting new plants and crops takes place.

20th through 28th day - Ateon Festival (Eolai) - celebration of nature and its beauty, combined with a religious holiday revering Ateon.

75th through 80th day - Landfall Festival (Human) - celebrates the arrival of Humans on Haelrahv.


The third season of Haju, named by the Jaddan people, is a hot and humid season. The air is often thick and sticky and the weather is generally unforgiving during this season.

67th day of Haju - Vaj Dalor Rii (Jaddan) - celebrates Jaddan triumphs in magery.

111th day of Haju - Remembrance Day (Human) - celebrates those who fought to defend the native races on arrival, those who fought to keep the peace and those who are still doing so, and those who died in the struggle.


Jojun is the fourth season of the age. The temperature is steadily and predictably hot and general conditions are dry, often resulting in brush fires. Jojun was named by the Jaddan people.

18th of Jojun - Shooxeseaii (Alteri) - literally “party of mothers” - celebration of the mother, both Yeireiro, mother of the Alteri, and their own mothers.

25th day of Jojun - Vaj Satat Urja (Jaddan) - celebrates tranquility. Jaddan take the time to reflex and participate in calming activites.

81st day of Jojun - Shooxeheili (Alteri) - literally “party of inspiration”- like an Earth science fair competition, the Alteri bring their discoveries and inventions to be judged.

88th day of Jojun - Areolaianes (Eolai) - named after the Great Journey it celebrates that journey and their duty as caretakers of Haelrahv. It is their responsibility to be especially friendly to the other races on this day and hardcore Eolai actually travel to an unknown area for the day.


The fifth season of Arin marks the start of harvest, a happy time when the heat has greatly waned and the leaves of trees begin to turn color. This season was named by the Eolai people.

First quarter of Arin - Loshei Festival (Alteri) - Although religious ceremonies are held every ninth day – held exclusively on Loshei Island, this festival celebrates the Loshei sisters and the gifts they have given the Alteri. Loshei berries are harvested and made into wine during this fest.

Mid-Arin - Tmelthe (Darju) - Annual storytelling contest where Darju brag of their deeds to each other.


The sixth season, Shadan, was named by the Jaddan people and marks the final time of harvest for the age, when leaves finish turning color and fall from their trees.

80th day of Shadan - De Rhurviv (Darju) - day of the dead, honor those fallen in battle.

90th day of Shadan - Founder’s Day (Human) - celebrates the founding of the Consortium and the contributions of Alexander Hughes as well as the other Humans who contributed to the beginnings of Human life on Haelrahv.


The Alteri-named seventh season of Xei marks an introduction to the cold and snowy days of the age.

27th day of Xei - Festival of Xashei (Alteri) - celebrates Xashei’s triumph over Siwreix Lil, minion of Yeii.

80th day of Xei - Christmas (Human) - celebrates generosity towards others, love of friends and family, and the endurance of the Human spirit.


Wiv, the eighth and final season of an age, is cold and snowy, freezing the land all over one last time before a new age begins. Wiv was named by the Alteri people.

1st through 8th of Wiv - Zuzleme (Darju) - Darju mating season.

60th day of Wiv - Vaj Bushunovon (Jaddan) - celebrates perseverance.

117th day of Wiv - Rasrei (Alteri) - annual birthday celebration of all the children born that year.

NOTE (quoted from Trevor Rage): The lack of Eolai holidays is mainly for the fact that they believe every day is a tribute to their greatness; each sunrise celebrates their life and duty to Haelrahv.

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