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Before I explain about what we know so far on Rinth, it is important to get into a brief history and geography discussion. Most of this is from the lecture Morrigan held on 2/6/04. Haelrahv's main global economy is made up of a federation of city-states (The Llanfair island chain -- which includes Chodaku) is one of the city-states). Within 100 years of their arrival, Humans have connected the world through this United Consortium of Nations and the global economy, both initiated by Alexander Hughes. The Consortium could be thought of as a Haelrahvian UN. Each city-state rules itself, but the Consortium manages relations.

There are two main settled continents, Junabi and Liyashi. Llanfair is directly between the two but farther to the south. Junabi is the continent that holds Wargale (class system city), Abbindolare, Bosque (the perfect tracker city that doesn't much care for technology) on the land and Rinth off the coast. It is also the name of the forest between Bosque and Wargale. Liyashi holds Titan City (home of the self-run super computer that allows murder on the streets but sends out squads of killer robots to attack graphiti-artists for city defacement) and Seihao Xa (the art center of Haelrahv where no weapons are allowed). There are also other places like the pure Eolai Esia.

Situated on an island off the eastern coast of Junabi, Rinth is the technological center of the world and the best and the brightest minds reside there. They are very active in the global market, providing tech support to most of the city-states and other small cities of Haelrahv. Although mainly populated by Alteri and Humans, many of the other races are also represented. There is very little internal conflict within Rinth. Relations between Rinth and Wargale have at times been strained, but this mainly due to trade issues and quickly resolved by the Consortium.

There is a prestigious school in Rinth called the Melton Academy of Science and Engineering.

Written By:
Kit Murphy