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Essence comes from your charisma score. You can find out your essence by MEDITATING. Cybergear is powered by a person's essence, as is magic. Focus (for psionics) also derives from essence, but also is a mixture of mentality.

Being implanted with different gear takes a certain amount of essence. There is a chart on one of the other sites, though it's pretty wrong in most cases. You should probably go by trial and error (meaning, each time you raise your charisma, go to the Cyber Clinic and try to get implanted. If you don't have enough essence, they won't do the surgery).

The easiest thing to implant are eyes. They take the least amount of essence. Legs take the most. If you have your leg or arm done, please note, you MUST have the same hand done as well. They do chop the arm off at the glenoid cavity (shoulder socket).

NEW! Eyes can be implanted between 3-5 points of Charmisma. I haven't tested this out personally! Riy has 10 in charisma and is implanted with both hands and eyes. To get an arm with all that, he needed 21 points in charisma. So we definately know that an arm (without the hand) costs 11 points in charisma to get. If anyone has any information, please let me know! Remember, this site is to help people out, so be nice and don't keep info to yourself!

Please note! In the future, cybergear WILL decrease the amount of essence pool you have and therefore make using magic, spellsongs, and psionics more difficult and less effective!

NEW! It takes 84 in charisma to be fully outfitted in cybergear if you're a tech.

Written By:
Kit Murphy